Category Archives - Announcements

Christmas Gift Ideas for the Trucker In Your Life

Christmas is the time for giving, we all know that. However, when you have a truck driver in your life it can be difficult to know the perfect gift to get them, especially if you’re not used to life on the road. No fear, we’ve written this blog to help. Here you’ll find a collection of some great gift ideas that will be the perfect fit for your truck driver. Rivbos Sunglasses Did you know that there were glasses specifically designed for truck drivers? RIVBOS Polarized sunglasses are a perfect choice for anyone who regularly drives long distances. The frames are made of high quality TR90 material, which is unbreakable. With the ability to withstand more than 500 pounds of pressure per square inch, you can be sure that they will be protecting your eyes for years to come. Plus, the lenses are polarized to reduce glare and improve visibility. This means you will have an easier time seeing during any time of day. They even have a pair featuring yellow lenses to help increase your visibility while on the road at night. Sunglasses – $21.98 Weighted Blankets We all have trouble sleeping when we’re not in our own bed. It’s natural. What if we told you there’s a secret hack that can assure you the same night’s rest anywhere? Using a weighted blanket can help you relax by applying subtle pressure on your body while you’re lying down. Weighted blankets are popular among people dealing with anxiety and general stress because of the negative effects dealing with such feelings can reap on the body. The coolest part? It’s scientifically proven. The pressure helps to regulate your cortisol levels and release feel-good hormones like endorphins, the same compounds released when we receive a hug. This can help to ease tension and make you feel more relaxed overall, leading to a restful night’s sleep. Blanket – $69 A Secret Safe Many truck drivers have been victims of thefts while out on the open road. These thefts can include items such as tools, food, and any other valuable items a driver may have. To prevent their valuables from being stolen, many truck drivers have a safe. Disguised as a book, this can be locked shut and requires a code or keys to open. The safe is small enough that it will not take up much room in the truck’s cab and will remain hidden either from view or in plain sight. The safe contains a space for money and with the addition of a fire safe envelope you’ll have the driver in your life set up and secure in no time. Safe – $19.99 Seat Cushion When driving long distances, particularly in a truck, it’s important to have a seat cushion. Long distance truck drivers often don’t have a lot of time to stop and rest. The driver must be able to remain alert and in a comfortable position while driving. Truckers can take comfort in knowing that their seat cushion was made to alleviate any aches or pains sustained during their travels. Truck drivers can be sure that the cushion will provide them with back support and is designed for maximum comfort during long drives. A seat cushion is easy to clean, affordable, and perfect for any long haul trucker who wants to feel comfortable on his or her next journey. Cushion – $51 Telescoping Flashlight Magnetic Pickup Tool The name is long, but it gets the job done, literally. This telescoping flashlight is perfect for illuminating the hardest to reach areas. Truck drivers know all too well just how hard it can be to get a really good look at something under the hood, this light saves the day by bending into those hard to reach places and illuminate everything you need to see. Beyond this, it’s magnetic. How many times have we dropped a screw, nut, bold, or heck anything metal and needed an extra hand finding it? Worry no more, now you can pull any lost object out of the abyss and back into your life. A true life saver when it comes to those hardest to reach places! Here – $22.99 A Perfect Pair If you’re a trucker, you already know how important it is to be able to eat healthy and nutritious meals while on the road. But when you’re traveling across the country, it can be hard to find time or space to cook your own food—especially when you have to do it in a truck that’s barely big enough for your bed. This is where this combo of items comes in. With a 12-volt Portable Oven and a Cup Holder Tray your driver will be able to not only prepare meals on the road, but sit down and really enjoy them. 12V Oven – $29 ; Cup Holder Tray – $39 Before You Go You may not realize it, but when it comes to buying gifts for truck drivers, the absolute best thing you can do is give them something that will come in handy and ultimately make their days easier. That thought that went into each of these items and we really think the value is unmatched. We came across a lot of choices while putting this together. If you have any additional suggestions that you’ve gotten in the past, definitely let us know in the comments below. As always, thank you for reading and be safe out there!

You Did It!! Happy Thanksgiving!

As we all celebrate today, we at Optimum want to take this time to thank the men and women out there who make this all possible. We are well aware of the time, effort and sacrifice individuals in our industry put forth every day, especially during the holiday season. We want you to know that as we gather among friends and family, we recognize that the things we get to enjoy are made possible only by your dedication. It’s the countless work days, nights and everything else you’ve given that end up making this all possible. Thanksgiving, as well as Black Friday, would be absolutely impossible without the unique skills you bring to your position. Today as you sit down, wherever that may be, take a moment to look around and recognize that without you and the countless others you work alongside, none of this would be possible. It’s something that we never take lightly and we want you to know it. Before You Hit The Road: If you’re one of the many individuals heading back out tonight, we want to offer a friendly reminder to be on the look out for everyone trying to snag their perfect Black Friday Savings. With so many extra personalities out on the roads and highways, it’s always a good idea to take the extra measures to ensure everyone gets where they’re going safely. all that being said, thank you for all that you do and even more importantly, go enjoy yourself! Happy Thanksgiving, Your Friends At OLS

Veterans Day 2022: Thank You For Protecting Our Way of Life!

Over 100 Years Ago: In 1921 an unknown World War I American soldier was buried in Arlington National Cemetery. At this very moment, on a hillside overlooking the Potomac River and Washington, D.C., arguably the biggest point of acknowledgment and respect for America’s veterans was born. On November 11, a celebration of the end of World War I was held at 11 a.m. The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month would become known as “Armistice Day”. What’s an Armistice, and what does it have to do with Veterans Day? An armistice is a temporary cease fire during wartime. The holiday first showed up in America in 1926 through a Congressional resolution. Just 12 years later, Armistice Day would go on to become a national holiday. Despite World War I being nicknamed “the War to end all wars,” only a few years later, World War II broke out once more. 16.5 Million Americans would join the fight, with 407,000 giving their own life in service. Fast Forward to 1947: The term “Veterans’ Day” was born out of Birmingham, Alabama. Raymond Weeks, a WWII Veteran, organized “National Veterans Day” which included a parade and other festivities, all honoring those who had served our country before us. The event itself was held on Armistice Day. Deeply inspired by the celebration, U.S. Representative named Edward Rees of Kansas proposed a bill completely changing the name completely from Armistice Day to Veterans Day. Talk about having an impact! Congress put up no fight, and President Eisenhower went on to formally proclaim November 11th: Veterans Day. “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” – George Santayana 1905 Today, holidays are a dime a dozen. January 9th is National Static Electricity Day, January 14th is Dress Up Your Pet Day, even January 29th is National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day. While there’s nothing wrong with having fun and finding new reasons to be grateful and celebrate, it’s important to take the time and remember the deep significance of today’s holiday. It can be easy to minimize the point of today’s holiday with so much going on in our 20th century life. However, the efforts our men and women in arms have put forth for us must not be missed. So much more than just a nice thing to do, it’s the single most concrete way we ensure that the sacrifices made throughout our history, creating the foundation we stand on today, remain in tact. Thanks to them, this unique opportunity is provided to us remains in our hands: growing, improving, and ensuring that we continue to move toward a new day full of blessing, abundance and opportunity.  Thank You For Your Service! At Optimum Logistic Solutions, we have been honored to have the opportunity to meet, assist and work alongside countless veterans and their families. We would like to take this opportunity to offer any and all individuals that have served, fought or given their lives to preserve our unique way of life in our United States of America, our endless gratitude. Your sacrifice, no matter the size, inspires us to continue working tirelessly to ensure a better way of life. Thank you.

Not Just Girls: Lowering Your Risk of Breast Cancer

Ghosts, Goblins, Ghouls… It’s officially the spookiest day of the year! What if I told you there’s something much scarier lurking out there? This month brings something truly scary out of the shadows and into the spotlight: Breast Cancer. We’re taking this opportunity to teach drivers to learn the ways that you can lower your cancer risk. Breast cancer affects 1 in 8 women during their lifetimes and has become a growing issue among truck drivers. Before all the men stop reading and scroll… to some other post thinking breast cancer only concerns women… think again.  On average, 1 out of 100 breast cancer diagnosis in the United States are male. To put that in perspective, in 2022 alone there have been about 288,000 cases of invasive breast cancer diagnosed in women, that means nearly 3000 men will be diagnosed as well. How can that be? Breast cancer starts in the breast. This leads most people to assume only women can be diagnosed. However, if the cancer cells spread outside of the breast, they are most likely to enter the lymph nodes in the arm pit. Men have a lymphatic system, too? That’s right. Your body has a network of lymph nodes in your chest that filter out waste and bacteria. And if you have breast cancer, these lymph nodes can be affected by the tumor in your breast, which can lead to swelling or enlargement of the lymph node—a symptom called lymphedema. This can cause pain or swelling in the arm where the swollen lymph node is located. Everyone knows the importance of being aware and early detection. But what are the signs that your breast health is at risk? The most common sign of breast cancer is a new lump in the breast or underarm (armpit). Other signs include thickening or swelling of part of the breast, irritation or dimpling in the skin of your breast, redness or flaky skin in your nipple area, pulling in of your nipple or pain in your nipple area, nipple discharge other than breast milk (including blood), any change in the size or shape of your breast, and pain anywhere on your breast. If you notice any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor immediately! What Can I Do? Take care of your body. It may seem obvious, but majority of disease and illness can be helped, if not completely avoided by simply taking care of your body. This may be more difficult being in this line of work, but it doesn’t change that it’s absolutely vital. Stay Hydrated Don’t forget to hydrate. Your lymphatic system and circulatory system rely heavily on fluids. When on the road it’s way too easy to neglect water, relying on coffee and soda to get through the day. According to Mayo Clinic, on average, females need about 2.7 liters of fluid a day while men should be drinking 3.7 liters. For extra nutritional benefits, try adding just a pinch of Celtic sea salt for a boost in essential minerals. Don’t worry, it doesn’t taste salty! Exercise Daily It probably feels like you don’t have time to exercise, this doesn’t change the fact that it’s the most critical step in taking care of yourself. This even means preventing breast cancer! That’s right: a little bit of movement every day can go a long way in protecting your health. Hope Zara, the CEO of Mother Trucker Yoga, has created a list of quick and easy exercises optimized for truckers that will allow you to have the best foot forward when it comes to taking care of and improve your breast and chest health: Arm circles help create flow and circulation in your upper body. This little exercise will reduce lymph fluid buildup that shows up when you move around less than you should. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and stretch your arms out at shoulder height. Move your arms in forward circles, starting small and gradually making bigger circles. Reverse the direction every 10 seconds. Cherry picking: put your arms up, overhead. It also helps improving circulation and cardiovascular health and reduces lymph blockage. While standing, raise your arm and reach for the sky. It’s okay if you lean a bit and be sure to repeat it with the other arm. Downward Dog: strengthens the entire body and improves the immune system. Bridge pose: creates an “opening” in the chest and deepen breathing and circulation. This pose is perfect for drivers because they spend so much time sitting. If you ever find yourself hunched forward behind the wheel, closing off the chest. What’s cool about this is that It’s easy to do in the sleeper berth! Neck and chest massage: break up tension and allow blood and lymph to flow more easily through the chest. You can use your fingers or a massage ball around your clavicle, neck and shoulders in the morning and again at night. Truck step pull back stretch: An all-body stretch that focuses on releasing the shoulders, underarm area and lower back. All you’ve got to do is grab the truck step, bench or bar and sit back. Breathe deep and relax your arms to get a super deep stretch. Walking is a great way to keep your lymphatic system in optimum condition. A steady lack of movement poorly impacts the lymphatic system. Try walking in place, add an extra lap about your truck or walk a lap around the parking lot — it all adds up. This list may seem long, but start small, follow your body and slowly work them into whatever routine works for your unique life and schedule. Make sure to check out the rest of her article here. Maintain A Healthy Diet Your lymphatic system works best if you maintain a healthy weight. The true root of any healthy weight is diet and exercise, together, they help you keep your weight down. Obesity has been directly linked to over 12 different types of cancers so the…

It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s a… wing?

YES! The 2022 Big Kahuna Wing Festival was all about celebrating chicken wings, and Optimum Logistic Solutions was there to help support this awesome cause! On September 4th hungry people filled World’s Fair Park to eat as many chicken wings as they could during the 2022 Big Kahuna Wing Festival. We were no different. This year we celebrated the creation of the Buffalo Wing. Did you know that the Buffalo wing hasn’t been around that long? Invented by Teresa Bellisimo in 1964 at the Anchor Bar which she owned and operated in Buffalo, New York. What’s even crazier is it was a complete accident! Her son’s friends came in late one night, and with nothing to offer them except chicken scraps she’d normally use for soup, she deep friend them and tossed them in a special sauce and BOOM! the rest was history. This accident would actually end up upending an entire multi-billion-dollar sector of American agriculture. Today her little accident is a staple we just can’t live without! The proof? Around 27 billion wings are eaten by Americans every single year! Wings weren’t the only good thing this weekend! Together, we helped raise tens-of-thousands of dollars to benefit the UT Culinary Institute as well as the Empty Stocking Fund, the East Tennessee Children’s Hospital and the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Tennessee Valley. OLS, along with other local restaurants and businesses participated in a chicken wing cook off. There was also a wing eating competition as well as a Bobbing for Wings contest where participants plucked chicken wings from a pool of ranch dressing, using only their mouths! Learn more about our work in the local communities here!

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